Saturday, July 29, 2006

Going on Youth Camp '06

I know that I have such a large and faithful following on my blog that what I am about to say - well, it may just ruin your week. And so, before I say anything else, "I'm sorry." However, next week I will be participating in the Hope CBC Youth Camp '06. We are looking foward to a great time as we go caving in the Ozarks. Where will be be staying has limited internet access (like I am going to have time to get online much anyway) and no cell phone reception. I will be out in the boondocks as it were.

Because of this, I do not anticipate much more time online than to check my email occasionally at best. However, please be praying for us. It is our prayer that the youth staff would really get to see the spiritual state of each one of our youth and stir them on to a greater walk with Chirst.

If you would like to pray for the teachers specifically:

Sunday Night: Ed Godfrey
Monday and Tuesday Night: Chris Collins
Wednesday and Thursday Night: Tyler Vanden Heuvel

We will be teaching through Romans 12. If you would like a little more info concerning the outline of the teaching it may be found on my post "Respecting God."

Morning devotions will be from Philippians (hey - that's the book we are memorizing - see the post on "Memorizing Philppians") with Nanci Lea leading the gals and the men rotating leading the guys.

Here is our schedule:

Monday: Cosmic Cavern and Turpentine Creek (Big-cat reserve) (near Eureka Springs, AR)
Tuesday: Marvel Cave and Silver Dollar City (Branson, MO)
Wednesday: Talking Rocks Cavern (Kimberingly City, MO)
Thursday: Fantastic Caverns (Springfield, MO)

Most the youth staff went out to the property we are camping on and set up the tents and camp so that tomorrow, after worship service, when we arrive, there will be nothing to do but enjoy time with the youth. (Yet, there are still a number of things to be done even tomorrow).

Again, please pray for us. It is to be near 100 degrees every day this week. I suppose the Lord would have us lose a few pounds. Have a blessed week.

Soli Deo Gloria,

Pastor Ed


4given said...

We will be praying for you all. This is the first time I will be without my 2 older boys for a whole week so maybe you ought to think about praying for me... ha. I will miss them but I am so thankful for the opportunity for my boys to be apart of such a God-honoring, Christocentric teaching. We will miss you all.

4given said...

WOW... has it really only been about 6 hours since you guys left????


Pastor Ed Godfrey said...


You made it! Your boys made it! Praise the Lord!