Saturday, July 01, 2006

Another Car Wash Success

I just got back and cleaned up from our latest youth group car wash. Who would of thought that so few people could have so much fun in the 95 degree heat. In reality it was a slow day and one of the least profitable - however, we did make $300 (which is $300 closer to our goal), which works about to about $30 per camper off the price of camp.

In the picture above, Kristina is explaining to Josh the fine art of car washing.

ARE WE HAVING FUN YET? - - - - - - ->

Special thanks to our non-youth group workers, Tina and Mike. We also want to thank Kristina, for even though she will be in Arizona when we have camp, she worked hard.

The theme of this year's camp is officially "No Pride" - but our desire is to talk about the issue of respect; respecting God, respecting the Church, respecting other believers and unbelievers. I am not sure that it went over well, but at one point I challenge the whole group with the question, "If this was Jesus' car, how would you wash it?" At this point many of the youth were hot and tired, so their car washing skills had quickly deteriorated. Of course, this all digressed into a discussion regarding what king of car would Jesus drive - and so the silliness progressed. But we are called to glorify God in the smallest and most mundane of all activities - even in our eating and drinking (1 Corinthians 10:31 - "Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.")

May God be glorified in our lives, be we eating a sandwich, washing a car, or singing His praises! Amen.

Soli Deo Gloria,

Pastor Ed

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