Thursday, March 08, 2007

Shepherd's Conference - Day One

Day one is now complete. What a special day, full of reunions as well as a total rekindling of the fire and passion of the Word of God. Jase and I caught up with a number of men from Countryside Bible Church, Southlake, TX, including Rocky Wyatt (my mentor and a Pastor at CBC), Bryan Chandler (some of you remember that he preached at our church several years back and is an Elder at CBC), as well as Tom Pennington (Senior Pastor at CBC). We also saw Brian Murphy (the best man at my wedding and Pastor at Riverlakes Church in Bakersfield, CA).

The old adage, “Its not what you know, its who you know” really played out here. Pastor Tom served with John MacArthur at Grace Community for many years and had access to the Worship Center before they let the general masses in (a most chaotic event). Pastor Tom as been graciously keeping seats for his group as well as these two little servants from Arkansas (that would be Jase and me).

Day one had three general sessions, each of which were blessed with three completely differently yet passionately committed to communicating with these 3500 plus church leaders the truth and importance of the Word of God.

John MacArthur taught the first session. I really don’t know how to put into words the significance of his message. It was truly most provocative and there is no doubt that he lovingly and yet without any reservation, stepped on some spiritual toes (perhaps more like swift kicks to the shins). If I were to try to explain this at this time, I fear that anyone reading this who comes from a different eschatological position (future – end times) would be put on the defensive. As John began, we thought he was kidding when he announced, somewhat humorously, that the title of his message was, “Sovereign Election, Israel and Eschatology” or, as he later subtitled it, “Why Any Self Respecting Calvinist Should Be Premillennial.” Please realize that there are many, many men who come from Amillennial and Post-Millennial points of view to this conference. To begin with such a provocative and forthright treatise on Premillennialism was bold but also refreshing, particularly for Jase and I as we have wrestled through this past year and half concerning the importance of Premillennialism to Hope Community Bible Church. This is one the best one-hour plus messages to explain and adequately defend Premillennialism I have heard. In fact, it is my thought that anyone who comes to Hope CBC and wants to know how and why the leadership of the church believes in Premillennialism, that he/she/they be given a copy of this message to listen to. It is simply that good. In a word then, I would say that John MacArthur’s message was CONFIRMING.

The second general session was taught by Steve Lawson, former pastor of the Bible Church at Little Rock (where Bill and Anita Thomas attended) and currently pastor of Christ’s Fellowship Church in Mobile, Alabama. I came to so appreciate this man last year with his message from Nehemiah entitled, “Bring the Book!” I was no less blest this year as once again Steve brought a message encouraging boldness and passion in the pulpit. His text was Acts 2:14-41, “The Passion and Power of Apostolic Preaching” and served as a call to pastors to preach as the apostles, the confidence, conviction and power. Steve noted that 25% of Acts is recorded sermon or defense of the faith by Peter, Stephen, James and Paul. Acts could rightly be titled, “The Sermons of the Apostles” and gives great insight then as to the content and style of biblical preaching. I will simply share here the outline of his message:

I. Bold – Authoritative Preaching (2:14-15)
II. Text-driven Preaching (2:16-21)
III. Christ-centered Preaching (2:22-36)
IV. Heart-piercing Preaching (2:37-441)

Steve as become one of my favorite teachers to both listen to and read (Jase and I are currently reading his book, “Foundations of Grace” which is a tracing of the doctrines of grace through the Bible. In a world where pastors are easily prone to offer a congregation nothing more than a “data-dump” of theology, this message called the men to preach with passion, with fire and with a view to see lives changed. In Acts 2:41 we see that God honored Peter’s preaching by adding 3000 souls to the church. To put that in perspective in my mind, just over 3000 men in the Worship Center surrounded me – it was an awesome thought to think of that many coming to the Lord at one time. In a word, I would describe Steve’s message as “PASSION”.

The final session of day one was unique. It was unique because John Piper was scheduled to preach, but just a couple of days ago, John Piper’s father went home to be with the Lord and so John and his family need to be in South Carolina. Pastor John MacArthur asked the C.J. Mahaney to step in, which he did, humbly and with some trepidation. I had never heard C.J. before. I must say that he is a most personable fellow and speaks with such easy and humor – quite different and refreshing. His text was on Isaiah 66:1-2 and spoke to the men about pride and humility. One thing he said really stuck with me: “It is not a matter of if pride is in you, only where it is in you.” The root of every sin is pride and God hate pride above all sin. Therefore, we were exhorted to mortify pride and cultivate humility. C.J. style, as I noted, was far more casual than I am used to, but it was nonetheless a message needed to be heard (by this prideful, sinful man) and much appreciated. In a word I would call C.J.’s message, APPLICATIONAL as he sought with earnestness to drive home ways in which pride, by the grace of God, might be daily defeated in our lives.

Before the final session, we were invited to dinner with Tom Pennington and the Texas group. Again, it is not what you know, but who you know, as we were directed to a restaurant not listed in our program. It was kind of an “insiders” place, a great little Italian restaurant. I can’t name the place for I was sworn to secrecy (not really) but most of the restaurants right near Grace Community were swamped with 3500 plus men. We walked right into this place, sat down and had a wonderful meal and fellowship.

I wish I could be more descriptive and hope that in the days ahead, as I return home and begin preaching again, that you all will benefit from the time I am having here hearing the Word of God. I can’t tell you enough how much I appreciate the generosity and sacrifice of my church family for sending me here. C.J. noted that pastors make a lot of sacrifices in the ministry – however, coming to the Shepherd’s Conference is certainly NOT one of them. I say, AMEN!

You all are in my thoughts and prayers. I know that life continues on, sometimes with joys, often with difficulties and the ever present mundane. While I am basking in the sweet fellowship of this multitude of men who simply love the Lord and have a passion to share it, please know that I am grateful for a church family that seeks that same thing, to have a passion for the Lord and to share it effectively. May God allow us all to continue to grow in His grace and knowledge. Please keep loving one another, being patient with one another and stimulating one another on to love and good deeds. Remember that our enemy, the devil, is a roaring lion seeking someone to devour. Resist Him, firm in the faith. Do not let the petty and the trivial rob any of you of your love of God and your love for His people. If you are able, will you go out of your way to love the saints this week? Know that I will express my love for you all in my prayers as I continue to meet with God and tremble at His Word.

Soli Deo Gloria,

Pastor Ed

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