Sunday, March 11, 2007

Shepherd's Conference 07 - the Final Days!

As I am writing this I am sitting in the terminal at LAX. Counting today, I have been away from home and family for six days. Yesterday (Saturday) was a bit unique in that no services or meeting were planned in order to let the men that needed to get home for Sunday get home and others, like Jase and I, to have some time to see the sites. So, that’s what we did.

Our Saturday morning began with Mary making us a big breakfast of eggs, sausage, toast, juice and Starbucks coffee. It was a great way to start the day. From there we set out to the church so that I could post on the blog Friday’s events. Now the tour began as we put over 200 miles on our rental car. Good thing it got us about 32 mpg. Our first stop was Hollywood. For some reason we felt it necessary to at least say we had been to Hollywood Blvd. We saw Gramun’s Chinese Theater and walk a way down, took some pictures of the stars and then determined we had seen enough. Lots of strange characters down there.

Our next stop was further south, in Pico Riviera. My grandmother passed away in September of 1987 and my mom and I buried her at Rose Hills Cemetary. Neither of us have been able to get back there since then. We hadn’t even seen the marker. The Cemetary was huge and after getting some directions, I found where my grandmother was and took some pictures of the marker so my mom could it.

From there we headed even further south, to Yorba Linda to visit the birthplace and library of Richard Nixon. Jase and I truly enjoyed about two hours looking at all the history. There was a large collection of art, including an earthenware pot from Masada (Southern Israel) from 73 AD, just a few years after Peter, and the author Hebrews had written their letters.

From the Nixon Library, we head back west, toward Anaheim and took a street that I have traveled many times as a boy. We saw Anaheim Stadium (home of the Angels) where I saw baseball greats like Reggie Jackson, Nolan Ryan and Rod Carew. Further on down the road we passed the Los Alamitos Rack Track (horses) where my grandmother had taken me as a young boy. Yes, Pastor Ed used to bet the horses. Our tour of the area included passing the apartments my grandmother lived in, as well the McDonald’s where I enjoyed my very first Quarter Pounder with Cheese (important stuff for a young boy).

Having not eaten lunch and it being about 3:30, we decided we had better eat. So to continued in our nostalgic vein and found a Shakey’s Pizza, which neither of us had eaten at for about twenty years or so. We wondered if it would be as good as we both remembered. We prepared for a let down and were therefore not disappointed. The pizza was good, but it and the atmosphere was not just the same as we remembered. But at least we did it.

Being about 4:30 pm and wanting to get back to the beach before sunset, we determined to drive up to Santa Monica to visit the world famous Santa Monica pier. After fighting much traffic, actually waiting in line to turn left into the beach parking lot for about 30 minutes, we made it. We walked down to the ocean and took some great pictures just before sunset as we made our way toward the pier. The pier was busy and bussling with people and peformers. It was a circus of sorts, but very much a popular spot to be in. The younger ones were busy with the carnival, rides and activities while the older ones and couples (Jase and I were the older ones – not the couple) enjoyed watching the sunset.

From the pier we were not that far from the Howard Hughes Center – Promenade, an outdoor mall, which we toured and then stopped at a Marie Calendars for a piece of Lemon Cream Cheese cake. Again, we found many interesting characters.

By now it was getting late (about 8:30 pm and the spring forward in time yet to come) so we headed north back toward Grace Community Church. We stopped along the way to pick up a gift certificate to Sizzler, as Mary and George like to go there, to express our appreciation for their hospitality. By now it was about 9:00 pm, but there was one thing left undone that we talked about last year and again this year. Every night, on the way home from the church, we saw this big trailers parked on the side of the road selling tacos and such to the locals. We had to try this. So, at 9:15-9:30, we pulled over and got out. Boy, did we look out of place. Two “gringos” in a sea of Hispanics. We got some looks, but we figured it must be good. Jase asked me to give him a lesson in ordering in Spanish (the blind leading the blind) and he ordered three tacos. There were only a dollar a piece. Now, our number was diez (10) and cinqo (5) was the first one called. It took a while as some there were ordering large quantities. Soon, the cook yelled out “Ocho” (8). No one came. “Ocho” he said a second and third time. We checked our ticked, it said (10) – diez. After the fourth time, some Hispanic there must of thought we were totally gringo (to be sure, we were 99%) and came up to me and said, “He called number 8” as if we didn’t know that. I guess we really were out of place. I told him, “No, we are diez, but thank you.” He smiled and went on. After about 20 long minutes, the tacos came and we took them to the car. While there, I took a picture of Jase eating the tacos. I think some there must of thought we were INS and got a bit nervous so we made hast and left.

It was now about 10 pm, not including time change, when we arrived at George and Mary’s. When we walked in the door, Mary asked if we were hungry. We told her what we had done and then she said, “But would you like some pot-roast, mashed potatoes and cabbage. How could we refuse. So like some kind of Hobbits, we had second and third dinner (rather than breakfast). It was good. After this, we packed up our belonging, turned the clocks ahead, and went to bed.

Morning came quickly and we made way to Grace Community for our last opportunity to enjoy the ministry there and the teaching of John MacArthur. We were not disappointed, being blessed with the singing, the special music and the preaching. But, as soon as the service was over, we were ready to head south. We did stop at what is called the Getty Museum, which was high-brow, but interesting and then we headed toward the Airport. We made one final stop for lunch at - - - you guessed it - - - “In and Out Burger” – then turned in the car and we are now waiting to board our plane home. It has been a blessed week and again, I am so grateful for a church family and for individuals who made my being here possible. I pray that all will benefit from this as I have been recharged, renewed and refreshed in the things of God. I am looking forward to being with my wife, my family and my church.

Soli Deo Gloria,

Pastor Ed

1 comment:

N. L. White said...

Welcome Home, Pastor Ed & Jase!!

We look forward to worshiping with you this week!!