Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Os Guinness made the following observation about Christian thinking:

Thinking Christianly is not simply thinking by Christians, nor is it thinking by Christians about Christian topics, nor is it thinking by Christians about or in order to develop a "Christian line." Thinking Christianly is thinking by Christians about anything at all in a profoundly Christian way. Where their minds are so informed and influenced by the truth of God in terms of their principles, perspectives, and presuppositions that they begin to see as God sees, though it will be in an imperfect way.

If the Christian is to think "about anything at all in a profoundly Christian way" then there must be the devotion and influx of the "truth of God" or the Word of God. May it never be cliche to say with the psalmist:

Psalm 119:9-11
9 How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping it according to Your word. 10 With all my heart I have sought You; Do not let me wander from Your commandments. 11 Your word I have treasured in my heart, That I may not sin against You.

Whenever sin rears its ugly head in our lives, we must come to recognize that somewhere, somehow there is a deficient inflow and application of the Word of God. We must beware of reading the Word of God simply "to read" - to say that we have accomplished the act. It is far too easy for such a practice to become like water rolling over the stone which never takes in the Word of God. Rather, our lives are to be as parched soil, soaking and drinking in the Word of God so as to be refreshed and refined.

Let us remember that the blessed person of Psalm 1 not only avoids "the counsel of the wicked...the path of sinners...and the seat of scoffers," but he also positively invests himself in the Word of God as one whose "delight is in the law of the LORD, and in His law he meditates day and night."

We must be a people who long for God by longing to know Him through His Word. There is nothing more crucial, more important, and more necessary than so knowing God and therefore spending unhurried time in the Scriptures. It is only by constant meditation on the Word of God that we can have right and renewing communion with God and therefore come to have the mind of Christ.
So let me ask you - what are the hindrances you have to such time in the Word of God? What keeps you from more and deeper communion with God? Let me list just a few of the most popular hindrances. Do any of these find their existence in you? Are there others that need to be listed in order to encourage and edify other believers?

Hindrances to investing oneself in the Word of God:

1. Improper attitude - its not that important.

2. Seeking to justify oneself or one's doctrine - just reading to "get it done".

3. Reading without expecting to understand - if you aim at nothing you will hit it every time.

4. Seeking to impress people - look what I have accomplished (rather than allowing the Spirit of God to transform you.

5. Reading without a plan (systematic Bible reading) - again, if you aim at nothing you will hit it every time.

6. Relying on men for understanding - if we think that we can only learn while listening to the preacher, we will starve ourselves.

7. We become too busy for Bible Study - the tyranny of the urgent surpress the greatest need of our souls.

8. Laziness - allowing the flesh to quench our spirits.

The fundamental truth is that if the Christian wishes to be wise and discerning, the must be devotion, delight and discipline in the Word of God. Let us endeavor to spend consistent, committed and concentrated time in the Word of God to the glory of God.

Soli Deo Gloria,

Pastor Ed

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