Monday, July 17, 2006

You would not suspect him to be a Christian

So maybe there is a trend starting here. First, for some reason, I find it hard to post anything on Sundays. Perhaps I am just a little too preoccupied, being a pastor and all. The point is, I probably will rarely post on a Sunday.

This morning, in my quiet time, I found myself continuing in a time of self-examination and the study of both repentance as well as the sins that keep one from repentance, I came across this excerpt of an article by Mr. Archibald Alexander (1844 – isn’t it amazing how it appears that the older authors had far more of an intent to examine such things?). You may read the whole article by clicking here.

Below then is just a sampling of the article, but a sample strong enough to cause godly reflection. May it be a blessing.

Backsliding occurs when the Christian is gradually led off from close walking with God, loses the lively sense of divine things, becomes too much attached to the world and too much occupied with secular concerns; until at length the keeping of the heart is neglected, prayer and the seeking of the Lord in private are omitted or slightly performed, zeal for the advancement of religion is quenched, and many things once rejected by a sensitive conscience are now indulged and defended.

All this may take place and continue long before the person is aware of his danger, or acknowledges that there has been any serious departure from God. The 'forms of religion' may still be kept up, and 'open sin' avoided. But more commonly backsliders fall into some evil habits--they are evidently too much conformed to the world, and often go too far in participating in the pleasures and amusements of the world.

Too often there is an indulgence in known sin into which they are gradually led, and on account of which they experience frequent compunction, and make solemn resolutions to avoid it in future. But when the hour of temptation comes, they are overcome again and again, and thus they live a miserable life, enslaved by some sin, over which, though they sometimes struggle hard, they cannot get the victory.

There is no more inconsistent thing than a backsliding Christian. Look at one side of his character and he seems to have sincere, penitential feelings, and his heart to be right in its purposes and aims; but look at the other side, and he seems to be "carnal, sold under sin". O wretched man! How he writhes often in anguish, and groans for deliverance--but he is like Samson shorn of his locks--his strength is departed, and he is not able to rise and go forth at liberty as in former times.

The sleeping backslider is one who, being surrounded with earthly comforts and engaged in secular pursuits, and mingling much with the decent and respectable people of the world, by degrees loses the deep impression of divine and eternal things. His spiritual senses become obtuse, and he has no longer the views and feelings of one awake to the reality of spiritual things. His case nearly resembles that of a man gradually sinking into sleep. Still he sees dimly and hears indistinctly--but he is fast losing the impression of the objects of the spiritual world, and is sinking under the impression of the things of time and sense.

There may be no remarkable change in the external conduct of such a person, except that he has no longer any relish for pious conversation, and rather is disposed to waive it. The difference between such a one and the rest of the world becomes less and less distinguishable. From anything you see or hear--you would not suspect him to be a Christian, until you see him taking his seat at church!

Soli Deo Gloria,

Pastor Ed

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