Happy Fourth of July!
My day actually began with a novel activity. I was invited by some of the men in the church to see the movie "Superman Returns." What made this adventure so unique was that we went to see it at 10:20 p.m.! Anyone that knows me, knows what a change of pace that is for me. However, my son, Luke, thought it was great. So, we ushered in our country's birth watching this movie with a overly developed Messiah-complex. Yes, it was visually tantalizing and entertaining, but it also reflected peoples' innate understanding that they need someone from the outside to deliver them from the dark side of human nature - they need a "super" man (what a revelation at 1 a.m. in the morning). Too bad that they look for it in work of fiction rather than from the Word of God, where we learn of the "super" person of Jesus Christ -
John 1:1-4, 14
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men...14 And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.
Anyway, it was a time of camaraderie.
I thought I would post the ten most influential books (after the Word of God) in my life. I have been giving this some thought over the past few days and let me tell you, it was not as easy as I thought. There are some books that I just knew would be on this list. But then some of the other books, well, I had to really reflect upon how these had impacted or changed me. If you have not read some of these books, I would encourage you to do so. I would also be interested in knowing what books have influenced you. With the exception of the first two books on this list, there is no "rank" of influence per say.
1. The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination (Loraine Boettner)
This book was used by God to bring me into an understanding and love for the Biblical doctrines of grace and a full appreciation of the sovereignty of God in salvation (a.k.a. - Calvinism). I try to read through this book at least once a year. If this title sounds too heady (although I do not consider it an overtly "hard" read) I might suggest a book that served me as a primer for Boettner and this subject (an 11th book in my list) entitled "The Five Points of Calvinism" (Steele, Thomas, Quinn). My original copy of this work was a little booklet that simply and clearly defines and defends the Biblical teaching of God, man and salvation. This work has since been wonderfully updated and is slightly larger than its original print.
2. The Death of Death in the Death of Christ (John Owen)
While I was convinced that the five points of Calvin (TULIP) were really just one point (God's Sovereignty) by the work "The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination" - this work, by one of the premier Puritan scholars, thoroughly explains and defends the case of "Limited Atonement" or "Particular Redemption." Any doubts or concerns regarding my embracing of this doctrine were addressed by this work. This is a "hard" read however, at least it was for me.
3. George Whitefield: God's Anointed Servant in the Great Revival of the Eighteenth Century (Arnold A. Dallimore)
This is a good, straight-forward and easy to read documentation of one of my favorite preachers.
4. The Pilgrim's Progress (John Bunyan)
What list would be complete without this work! Second in influence only to the Bible, yet I am saddened by the fact of how few Christians of our generation have read it. I few years back I went into one of the "Christian" bookstores to pick up a copy for my wife and not only did they not have a copy, but two of the clerks did not even know what it was. When I spoke to the manager, he informed me that they had not carried a copy of the book for some time.
5. Rediscovering Expository Preaching (MacArthur, Master's College Faculty)
This book has influenced me not only in the mechanics of preaching, but also in the great history of preaching, introducing me to several men of the faith whose love for the Word of God has impacted me greatly.
6. A Memoir of the Rev. Edward Payson (Asa Cummings)
Edward Payson was one of the men that MacArthur quoted from in "Rediscovering Expository Preaching." So, I did some research and found this book that contained the journals of this man of God. What a blessing it is to read this book.
7. Distinguishing Traits of Christian Character (Gardner Spring)
This is another author that was introduced to me by MacArthur in a series he preached on Philippians. Both this book and Matthew Mead's, "The Almost Christian Discovered" are challenging to the faith, causing me to examine myself.
8. The Gospel According to Jesus (MacArthur)
Okay, by now you are noticing that MacArthur has influenced me quite a bit. This was the very first JMAC book I read. The Bible College that I attended was in opposition to JMAC's views on "Lordship Salvation." Having read "So Great a Salvation" (Ryrie) and "Absolutely Free" (Hodges), I was determined to read the "other side" and I guess you might say, was converted. What a great work challenging the notion of easy believism and carnal Christianity.
9. Practical Religion (J.C. Ryle)
I just think everyone needs to read this work. This man has a way of opening up the truth of God that is both challenging and comforting.
10. My 1874 leather-bound copy of the Presbyterian Hymnal.
While any good hymnal will do (let me qualify good by saying it has a focus on the sovereignty of God) - I love thumbing through this hymnal in times of devotion and such. If anyone desires to pick up a copy, make sure that it was published prior to 1925 as some gross changes took place in the Presbyterian church at this time that caused them to change some things in this hymnal.
There you have it - my top ten most influential books (and then some). Let me know some of the books that have influenced and helped you. I might need to read them.
Soli Deo Gloria,
Pastor Ed
John 1:1-4, 14
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men...14 And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.
Anyway, it was a time of camaraderie.
I thought I would post the ten most influential books (after the Word of God) in my life. I have been giving this some thought over the past few days and let me tell you, it was not as easy as I thought. There are some books that I just knew would be on this list. But then some of the other books, well, I had to really reflect upon how these had impacted or changed me. If you have not read some of these books, I would encourage you to do so. I would also be interested in knowing what books have influenced you. With the exception of the first two books on this list, there is no "rank" of influence per say.
1. The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination (Loraine Boettner)
This book was used by God to bring me into an understanding and love for the Biblical doctrines of grace and a full appreciation of the sovereignty of God in salvation (a.k.a. - Calvinism). I try to read through this book at least once a year. If this title sounds too heady (although I do not consider it an overtly "hard" read) I might suggest a book that served me as a primer for Boettner and this subject (an 11th book in my list) entitled "The Five Points of Calvinism" (Steele, Thomas, Quinn). My original copy of this work was a little booklet that simply and clearly defines and defends the Biblical teaching of God, man and salvation. This work has since been wonderfully updated and is slightly larger than its original print.
2. The Death of Death in the Death of Christ (John Owen)
While I was convinced that the five points of Calvin (TULIP) were really just one point (God's Sovereignty) by the work "The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination" - this work, by one of the premier Puritan scholars, thoroughly explains and defends the case of "Limited Atonement" or "Particular Redemption." Any doubts or concerns regarding my embracing of this doctrine were addressed by this work. This is a "hard" read however, at least it was for me.
3. George Whitefield: God's Anointed Servant in the Great Revival of the Eighteenth Century (Arnold A. Dallimore)
This is a good, straight-forward and easy to read documentation of one of my favorite preachers.
4. The Pilgrim's Progress (John Bunyan)
What list would be complete without this work! Second in influence only to the Bible, yet I am saddened by the fact of how few Christians of our generation have read it. I few years back I went into one of the "Christian" bookstores to pick up a copy for my wife and not only did they not have a copy, but two of the clerks did not even know what it was. When I spoke to the manager, he informed me that they had not carried a copy of the book for some time.
5. Rediscovering Expository Preaching (MacArthur, Master's College Faculty)
This book has influenced me not only in the mechanics of preaching, but also in the great history of preaching, introducing me to several men of the faith whose love for the Word of God has impacted me greatly.
6. A Memoir of the Rev. Edward Payson (Asa Cummings)
Edward Payson was one of the men that MacArthur quoted from in "Rediscovering Expository Preaching." So, I did some research and found this book that contained the journals of this man of God. What a blessing it is to read this book.
7. Distinguishing Traits of Christian Character (Gardner Spring)
This is another author that was introduced to me by MacArthur in a series he preached on Philippians. Both this book and Matthew Mead's, "The Almost Christian Discovered" are challenging to the faith, causing me to examine myself.
8. The Gospel According to Jesus (MacArthur)
Okay, by now you are noticing that MacArthur has influenced me quite a bit. This was the very first JMAC book I read. The Bible College that I attended was in opposition to JMAC's views on "Lordship Salvation." Having read "So Great a Salvation" (Ryrie) and "Absolutely Free" (Hodges), I was determined to read the "other side" and I guess you might say, was converted. What a great work challenging the notion of easy believism and carnal Christianity.
9. Practical Religion (J.C. Ryle)
I just think everyone needs to read this work. This man has a way of opening up the truth of God that is both challenging and comforting.
10. My 1874 leather-bound copy of the Presbyterian Hymnal.
While any good hymnal will do (let me qualify good by saying it has a focus on the sovereignty of God) - I love thumbing through this hymnal in times of devotion and such. If anyone desires to pick up a copy, make sure that it was published prior to 1925 as some gross changes took place in the Presbyterian church at this time that caused them to change some things in this hymnal.
There you have it - my top ten most influential books (and then some). Let me know some of the books that have influenced and helped you. I might need to read them.
Soli Deo Gloria,
Pastor Ed
I was blessed by your blog! Thanks for your honest heart and truthfulness, it is refreshing to hear someone be real. Its cool to read about real people who serve Jesus.
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"All my music is free."
I was blessed by your blog! Thanks for your honest heart and truthfulness, it is refreshing to hear someone be real. Its cool to read about real people who serve Jesus.
I am a musician, and I would be honored if you would check out my music. All music on my site is free for download. Anyway, don't want to be a pest, I just thought that I'd share.
"All my music is free."
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