We are on our way to Tulsa this morning to take some friends to the airport. The compressed morning has not allowed me alot of time to write a blog, so I thought I would post something that has been signficant to me over the years; a little exhortation that I picked up from Grace Gems. May we always heed the call of 2 Corinthians 13:5:
Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you — unless indeed you fail the test?
I hope this encourages you as it has me:
· Lordship of Christ (Luke 9:23)
Our lives must be built on an unconditional, absolute, lifetime surrender to Jesus as Lord.
Is there any area of my life where I am reserving the right to make the final decision?
My Prayer. My God, You are Lord over all. I surrender myself afresh to You this day and acknowledge Your right to reign over every area of my life. My life is not my own. May my choices, my actions, my words, my attitudes, and even my thoughts reflect Your Lordship.
· Authority of Scripture (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
The Word of God must determine our thinking, direct our decision-making, and reign supreme over every area of our lives.
Is there any Biblical truth that I am not obeying?
My Prayer. Father, I thank You for revealing Your will and Your ways through Your Word. I bow before the supreme authority of Your Word. Increase my hunger and love for the Scripture, and help me to meditate on it and obey it with all my heart. May it determine my thinking and my decisions in every area of my life.
· Ministry of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:4, 8, 11)
As we are dependent upon and directed and energized by the Holy Spirit, the supernatural power of God will be manifested in and through our lives.
Am I depending on my own abilities, or on the power of the Spirit to live the Christian life and to serve the Lord?
My Prayer. Thank You, Father for sending Your Holy Spirit to live within me and to comfort, lead, and purify me. I want to live this day in the realm of the supernatural, not depending on my strength and abilities, but drawing upon the power of Christ. Please fill me with Your Spirit and produce in me the likeness of Your son, Jesus.
· Life Message (Ephesians 5:1-2)
Our lives must be living demonstrations of the truth of God's Word.
Is there any truth I am communicating to others, that I am not practicing in my own life?
My Prayer. Lord, may my life be a reflection of You; a living demonstration of Your heart and ways. May the reality of my life be consistent with what I claim to believe. Reveal any hypocrisy or pretense in my walk; any area where I am leaving a better impression of myself than is honestly true. May my life create in others a thirst to know and walk with You.
· Lordship of Christ (Luke 9:23)
Our lives must be built on an unconditional, absolute, lifetime surrender to Jesus as Lord.
Is there any area of my life where I am reserving the right to make the final decision?
My Prayer. My God, You are Lord over all. I surrender myself afresh to You this day and acknowledge Your right to reign over every area of my life. My life is not my own. May my choices, my actions, my words, my attitudes, and even my thoughts reflect Your Lordship.
· Authority of Scripture (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
The Word of God must determine our thinking, direct our decision-making, and reign supreme over every area of our lives.
Is there any Biblical truth that I am not obeying?
My Prayer. Father, I thank You for revealing Your will and Your ways through Your Word. I bow before the supreme authority of Your Word. Increase my hunger and love for the Scripture, and help me to meditate on it and obey it with all my heart. May it determine my thinking and my decisions in every area of my life.
· Ministry of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:4, 8, 11)
As we are dependent upon and directed and energized by the Holy Spirit, the supernatural power of God will be manifested in and through our lives.
Am I depending on my own abilities, or on the power of the Spirit to live the Christian life and to serve the Lord?
My Prayer. Thank You, Father for sending Your Holy Spirit to live within me and to comfort, lead, and purify me. I want to live this day in the realm of the supernatural, not depending on my strength and abilities, but drawing upon the power of Christ. Please fill me with Your Spirit and produce in me the likeness of Your son, Jesus.
· Life Message (Ephesians 5:1-2)
Our lives must be living demonstrations of the truth of God's Word.
Is there any truth I am communicating to others, that I am not practicing in my own life?
My Prayer. Lord, may my life be a reflection of You; a living demonstration of Your heart and ways. May the reality of my life be consistent with what I claim to believe. Reveal any hypocrisy or pretense in my walk; any area where I am leaving a better impression of myself than is honestly true. May my life create in others a thirst to know and walk with You.
· Message of the Cross (Galatians 2:20)
Through Christ's death on the cross, we received eternal life. Through our death with Him, we enter into His abundant life.
Is there any area of pride, resistance, or self sufficiency in my life that is hindering the life of Jesus from flowing through me?
My Prayer. My Redeemer, You chose death that I might choose life. This day I count myself crucified with You. I choose to die to myself, my rights, and my reputation. As I lay down my life at Your cross, may Your resurrection life flow unhindered in me.
· Biblical Priorities (Matthew 6:33)
An effective, fruitful life and ministry flows out of a commitment to Scriptural priorities.
Based on my checkbook and my calendar, what are my real priorities?
My Prayer. Lord, by Your Word and Your Spirit, please show me what is on Your agenda for this season of my life. I yield to You my own plans, my priorities, and my schedule for this day. Help me to know what matters most to You, and to devote my time, efforts and energy to those things that will count for eternity.
· Spirit of Excellence (1 Peter 2:9)
Our lives and service ought to reflect the excellence of God's names and works. He is worthy of the very best we can offer Him.
Am I reflecting the excellence of God's character in my appearance, my attitudes and my work?
My Prayer. How excellent is Your Name, O Lord. May everything about my life reflect the beauty and order of Your character. Help me to pay attention to details, even as You care for the minutest details of the universe, and to honor You in my work, my attitudes, my appearance, and the way I care for my surroundings.
· Walking by Faith (Ephesians 3:20)
Faith in the person and power of God; faith that acts on the principles of the Word will move us into the realm of the supernatural.
What am I believing God for, that only He can do?
My Prayer. Lord, my natural tendency is to want to be able to control my circumstances and to figure everything out in advance. But I know I am never more secure than when I am walking by faith. Thank You for placing me in situations where I have to depend on You. Help me to trust You, even when I cannot see where You are leading or how You are going to provide.
· Servant's Heart (Mark 10:43-45)
We are called to be servants of Christ and of His people. A true servant esteems others better than himself and seeks to make those around him a success.
Is there anyone that I do not esteem better than myself, or that I am unwilling to serve?
My Prayer. Blessed "foot washer," it has been said that the test of true servanthood is how we respond when we are treated like a servant. May I, like You, choose to take up the "bowl and towel," and willingly take the place of a servant toward You and toward others, regardless of how menial the task.
· Faithfulness (1 Corinthians 4:2)
God has not called us to be 'successful,' as the world measures success, but to be faithful.
Am I being faithful in fulfilling the responsibilities and caring for the possessions that God has entrusted to me?
My Prayer. Each new sunrise reveals Your faithfulness, my Father. Help me to live this day in such a way that if it were my last, I would be able to hear You say, "Well done, good and faithful servant." I do not seek human recognition or some impressive assignment, but simple to faithful fulfill each responsibility, large or small, that You have given me.
· Sacrificial Giving (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)
God blesses us so we can bless others. Our lives should be characterized by sacrificial giving to meet the needs of others and to further the Kingdom of Christ.
How have I exercised faith and sacrifice in my giving this week?
My Prayer. My Father, You are a generous God whose giving heart knows no bounds. Your love led You to sacrifice Your greatest treasure, so I could have eternal life. Help me not to cling to the things I hold dear. All that I have is Yours. As You freely gave Your very best, may I gladly give all that You ask in return.
· Prayer (Philippians 4:6)
Through prayer our lives are linked to a Sovereign God, and His purposes are fulfilled in our world. A prayerless life is a self sufficient and fruitless life.
How much time have I spent in prayer in the past twenty-four hours?
My Prayer. Father, what an incredible gift it is that You would invite me to come before Your throne and lay before You my own needs, as well as the needs of others. Forgive me for so often trying to solve things on my own, rather than looking to You to meet the need. Help me to know what is on Your heart, and to intercede according to Your will.
Soli Deo Gloria,
Pastor Ed
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