In spiritual terms, all people are either “in Adam” or “in Christ.” In the eyes of God it is as if no one else exists and no one else is doing anything. With regard to the question of salvation, God sees only Adam or Christ, two federal heads whose actions precede those who they represent. These two act on behalf or in the stead of all those who they represent. The very choices these two make will impact the many after them. The actions of Adam being imputed, or transferred to all those who are “in Adam” – which, by the way, is the entire human race; and the actions of Christ being imputed, or transferred to all those who are “in Christ” by virtue of their faith in Him are the choices that impact us.
In a nutshell, this teaching of the imputation of Adam’s actions, or sins and the subsequent penalty of death to the entire human race, along with the imputation of Christ’s actions, or righteousness and the subsequent provision of salvation to those who would believe on Him is the foundation of the Protestant Reformation. The Catholic church had minimalized and nullified the effect of the work of Christ on behalf of believers, offering salvation then not on the basis of the righteous actions of Christ alone, but on the basis of Christ works plus man’s works.
How do people go to heaven? You must be found “in Christ”. His act of righteous obedience must become your own – it must be transferred to you and He must become your federal head. And herein lies the good news. For the Bible tells us that if a person repents of his sin, if he will surrender his life to the provision and authority of Jesus, he will be placed “in Christ” and “in Christ” it will be just as if he had lived the perfect life of Christ, as if he had fulfilled all righteousness, as if he is standing before God as His own sinless Son. How is this so, because all these benefits have been transferred to the life of the one who so believes and so lives under the provision and authority of Christ. "Repent and believe in the gospel" (Mark 1:15).
These are the only options. There is nothing more complicated or further to report. A person is either "in Adam" and therefore under sin and its condemnation, or he is "in Christ" and therefore under the gracious provision of grace and eternal life. All of us are born into Adam. No one can change or help that. All must however, be born again into Christ and being born again is the work of God on your behalf whereby He changes your heart so that you long to know Christ, long to follow Christ and long to serve Christ. When you are born again, you have been given to Christ and Christ is given to you. He becomes your representative before God and this representative is beloved of God (Matthew 3:17). And so, being in Christ means being beloved of God.
My question for you is simply this, “who represents you?” Christ or Adam? The question is not simply, “who do you want to represent you?” For there are many who may “want” Christ to represent them yet do nothing to see it come about. No, the question is one of assurance. Do you know who represents you? Are you "in Adam," or are you "in Christ?" My prayer for you all is that today you would be certain that you are "in Christ" and if you are not, plead with God, repent of your sins, beseech the guidance of other believers to help you, but know for certain about God’s calling and choosing you.
2 Peter 1:10
Therefore, brethren, be all the more diligent to make certain about His calling and choosing you...
Soli Deo Gloria,
Pastor Ed
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