Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The Day After (the Fourth)

Good Morning!

I begin this day happy and joyful in the Lord, yet still suffering from a head cold, aggravated a bit by the smoke from the fireworks I suppose; and, I am having some trouble typing because I jammed my pinky finger playing football. This is the third finger I have jammed in about 2 months. At least it is a nice shade of blue, red, purple, etc.

Our church did have a wonderful time last night. We had a great turn out, lots of fun and I personally enjoyed the conversations I had with all. Being still a bit droggy (I hope from the cold medicine), my intention is simply to post some pictures for your enjoyment. You may click on the pictures to see them larger.

Here is our host and hostest - cooking up the goodies! (along with the goodies):
Jase and Cathy grilling away Are there any calories in these?

Jim and his platform of firework mania:

And the children:
Ahh relaxing Picture time Can I get messy?

It was so nice to have "superman" drop in on our celebration - don't you think?
HopeCBC's superman

And just some various shots:

Is Lisa trying to fly? Jase and his Pepsi commercial Are we having fun?

Soli Deo Gloria,

Pastor Ed


4given said...

What in the world was I taking about???

4given said...

I meant "talking" about... I am directionally impaired AND spelling impaired.

Pastor Ed Godfrey said...

Thanks for the clarification - I was really troubled by what you were "taking".
