Saturday, May 19, 2007

Hearing the Word of God!

The first evening of our time with Michael Ginn was of great encouragement and challenge. Michael (From the Word Ministries) began the evening with a question – “How often do you focus on the kingdom of God outside of Church or personal devotion times?” This was a reminder of how easy it is to get sidetracked by the things of this world.

Then Michael proceeded to lay out his direction for our time in the Word, explaining that he was going to begin with the first public message of Christ, the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) and follow that with the last public message of Christ before the cross, the Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24-25). What a blessing to hear and listen to these messages of Christ in their entirety much as those first readers heard such things. I am reminded that “faith comes by hearing” (Romans 10:17) – that there is something special and unique to simply hearing the Word of God. Consider as well that throughout most of the history of the Church, large numbers of people were illiterate and yet how did they come to faith – by hearing the Word of God read.

After hearing Michael quote the texts, he challenged the congregation with several thought, the first of which was a question of passion. We all have a passion, be it for work, or for sports, or for people or for God and our passion is generally revealed in what we participate. If we have a passion for God, then we will participate in those things in which we draw near to God, through prayer, the Word, and fellowship with the saints. If we have a passion for other things, these things will occupy a place of prominence in our lives. So again, “How often do you focus on the kingdom of God outside of things like Church or personal devotion times?” Are you passionate for God or have other things slow and systematically crept in to have first place in your life.

I am looking forward to tonight as we continue to hear the Word of God – may we really hear it with spiritual ears and be changed to a greater likeness of Christ.

Soli Deo Gloria,

Pastor Ed

1 comment:

N. L. White said...

Sounds like a great blessing, Pastor Ed. I look forward to the tapes and communion with the Saints on Sunday evening.