Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Preach, Pray or Plumb?

Sorry about the late post today. Everything started as a normal, pastoral day. I awoke at 5:15 am, spent some moments in prayer and prepared for an early morning breakfast with one of my Elders. After the blessing of breakfast and fellowship, I came home to have Bible study with the family – but then came the IM (instant message). It seemed that my mother’s plumbing had backed up, causing quite a flood. She wanted to know who to call to get things taken care of, but then my frugalness kicked in (why spend some much money on something that I could do simply and cheaply).

I made some arrangements, called to reserve a snake for the plumb job and headed over to my mom’s to take care of this situation. How hard could it be? Well, in order to simply snake out a backed-up line, one must find the cleanout. So, in the 32-degree weather, I proceeded to take my tour around the house. I looked everywhere – in the obvious places, behind the bushes and shrubs and under the trees. I could not find it.

So then I thought I might simply apply some logic – it must be somewhere near the kitchen or some other obvious spot, only buried a little bit (oh, that it were so simple). I began to dig about 8 to 12 inches down all along both sides of the house – NOTHING! Then I called my father-in-law, who made some logical suggestions and so I dug some more – NOTHING! Before I knew it, it was after 12 noon, I was dirty and exhausted. I had a call into a plumber we knew who eventually called me back about 1:30 who gave me some more suggestions about where to dig and that once I found it, he would come (or snake from the roof).

So, I began to dig again, near the spot I had before and went 24 inches down and about 8 feet long – NOTHING! Now I was totally exhausted! Praise the LORD for physical labor. But now I could think of nothing but having the plumber come on out and help. I called the plumber back only to have him tell me that he would be tied up, unable to come and leaving for a four day trip in the morning. Now what to do! It’s 3:45 pm, I had miles and miles of dug up ground and my mother has no plumbing. I decided to call up one of the “speedy” rooter companies, who thought they could get there before five, which they did. The young man looked at all the piles of dirt and said that it would help if I had the right equipment. I pulled out this long T-probe (about 4 foot long), went right to the area where I had been told to dig, started probing and within 10 minutes, found the line. That silly line was literally 3 inches from where I had dug previously. He found the cleanout, cleared the line and was gone within a half hour. It was now 5 pm, I was exhausted and had to cancel an Elder Board meeting. Right now I am lying in my bed, with the heating pad on my back and thanking the Lord for the opportunity to preach, pray or plumb!

Soli Deo Gloria,

Pastor Ed

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