Monday, January 29, 2007

A meaningless but fascinating bit of triva

Our family enjoys watching the Discovery, Animal and National Geographic Channels. I am particularly fond of the animal and wildlife shows (although I am often disgruntled concerning the so-called "vast" ages and evolutionary philosophy that underlies the majority of them). The other evening I was watching a show concerning studies on sharks and it was noted that actual shark attacks are extremely rare (not if you are the one attacked) and that yearly - worldwide, there is an average of 15 people killed by sharks.

Now, that in itself is rather remarkable. I might have guessed much higher. But what was surprising to me was that the show compared this figure to another strange means of being killed - falling coconuts - which account for about 150 deaths a year worldwide. Who would of thought it?


Anonymous said...

There's nothing like meaningless trivia :-). And I like the new look of your blog - it's easier to read I think.

Cheers, Wilm

Pastor Ed Godfrey said...

Wilm -

Thanks - I agree, the new template is easier to read.


Monk-in-Training said...

Pastor Ed,
I also like the new template, very nice.

Do you know that the most likey animal to kill you on the continent of Africa is the Hippo? I would have guess Lions or maybe Cheetahs or something. Isn't that bizarre?

Pastor Ed Godfrey said...


I had heard that - amazing. It is good to hear from you!
