Thursday, May 24, 2012

Ten Reasons Why We Should Love The Church - #9

Just two more considerations as to why we should love the church.  Here is what we have covered so far...

1.  Loving the church brings glory to God
2.  Loving the church demonstrates faithfulness to the Word of God
3.  Loving the church is one of our greatest witnesses to the world
4.  Loving the church unity in the body of Christ
5.  Loving the church stimulates meaningful and vibrant corporate worship of God
6.  Loving the church generates solid and biblical edification
7.  Loving the church brings about a genuine caring and sharing in the body of Christ 
8.  Loving the church creates and environment for church growth
And now, number nine...

9. Loving the church creates a godly excitement! 
One of the the things that has been such a blessing to hear as a Pastor is when people "long" to come to church.  Of course, the opposite is just as discouraging, that people hate to come to church.  And what would cause someone not to want to come to church?  Well, for one thing, if the church is lifeless and cold; appearing as though every one is simply going through some kind of religious motion.

But when and where the people genuinely love one another; when the goal of church is to encourage, edify and stimulate one another on to love and good deeds; when we come wanting to worship our great God in the presence of other believers, then people will want to be there.  Such a love creates a godly excitement about what God has done, what God is doing and what God promises to do!  Oh that our hearts would echo that of David who wrote in Psalm 122:1...

I was glad when they said to me,
“Let us go to the house of the Lord.”

I pray that there will be an ever-increasing gladness that fills our hearts as we anticipate attending church!

What most encourages you to want to attend church?

What most discourages you?

What can you do to encourage others both to attend services and while they are at church?

Where you are discouraged, what should you do about it?

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