Friday, May 18, 2012

Ten Reasons Why We Should Love The Church - #3

Here is day three's entry... 
3. It is one of our greatest witnesses to the world! 
One of the greatest things that we who are the Church can do is love one another.  In John 13:35 Jesus said,

By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.

The kind of love Jesus speaks of here is an unconditional act of the will that seeks the highest good for an other, regardless of the cost and all for the glory of God!   We must remember that the world is watching us as the church!  In all that we do as the church, in our weekly meetings, in our advertising, in our business meetings, in our fellowshipping, etc., there should be genuine, demonstrable Christian love for all the world to see!

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