Saturday, September 06, 2008

A Not So New Schedule For HopeCBC

The Board of Elders has been carefully considering whether or not to maintain what was started as merely being a “summer” schedule, making it our regular schedule. The Elders have much appreciated the input of so many concerning both the pros and cons in keeping or not keeping such a schedule.

One of the great difficulties in changing the schedule is the realization that no schedule is perfect and no schedule will ultimately suit all the people. When taking this into account, it has been the belief of the Elders that the greatest amount of people would be best served in making the summer schedule permanent. To help the Elders confirm this conclusion, they solicited input from the congregation and this input has overwhelmingly confirmed that the summer schedule is not merely more convenient, but it is also more conducive in pushing forward the philosophy of ministry that puts an emphasis upon fellowship and interaction. In short, it is the belief of the Elders that at current Hope CBC can best fulfill the fundamentals of Acts 2:42 (devotion to the Apostles’ teaching, to fellowship, to breaking of bread/communion, and to prayer) by means of this schedule.

The Elders will be having some meetings with various ministry leaders (i.e. Children, Youth, etc) to discuss how this impacts them and the directions the Elders would like to have them take. More information to that end will be forthcoming.

The Elders do wish to thank everyone for their involvement and would continue to ask everyone to participate as best as they are able in light of the schedule. We look forward to what the Lord will do among the congregation of Hope CBC as we labor together in unity for the gospel.

As a recap then, the Board of Elders, having had an overwhelming positive response by the congregation, has determined to make the current summer schedule the regular schedule for the Sunday services at Hope CBC. This schedule is as follows:

9:30am – 11:00am
Morning Worship Service – 1st Hour

11:10am – 12:10pm
Fellowship Meal – 2nd Hour

12:15pm – 1:15pm
Bible Fellowship (Jr. High – Adults) and Jesus Club (K-6th grade) – 3rd Hour

For His Glory,

The Board of Elders

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