Thursday, August 28, 2008

Consideration of Church Schedule

Back before the summer, the Board of Elders was looking at a number of issues that faced the church. Among those issues were rising gas prices, making it more and more infeasible for those attendees of the church who had to drive any distance to make two trips to the church on Sundays; a decline in attendance for Sunday Evening services and therefore a lack of exposure for the various teaching series the men had been delivering on Sunday evenings; and a need to encourage and promote more casual times of fellowship for the congregation and therefore enhance the sense of unity and community. Certainly there are other factors as well, but these were some of the more pressing ones.

With all this in mind, the Elders prayerfully considered rearranging our Sunday schedule, a schedule we have now been enjoying for the past three months. That schedule is as follows:

9:30am - 11:00am: Morning Worship Service (focus on Scripture and Praise)

11:10am – 12:10 pm: Fellowship Hour (Sharing of a meal together)

12:15pm – 1:15pm: Second Hour Fellowship (A more casual teaching time for Jr. High – through Adult; Children’s Ministry – “Jesus Club”).

This schedule has afforded us great opportunities for fellowship and has greatly encouraged those who were previously unable to make the two trips to church. While we know that any Sunday schedule will not suit or please everyone, this one has seemed to work well for the summer.

As we come to the last month of the schedule, the Elders have been giving consideration as to whether or not to continue with this schedule or to revert back to our old schedule (which was as follows):

9:30am – 11:00am: Morning Worship Service (focus on Scripture and Praise)

11:00am – 11:15 am: Break

11:15am – 12:00 pm: Second Hour Fellowship (casual teaching time; Children’s Ministries)

6:00pm – 7:15 pm: Evening Service (Teaching time for Adults; LiFE Kids ministries)

It is truly understood that there are pros and cons associated with either schedule. With the current summer schedule, some parents of young children are concerned about nap times. Some people enjoy “going out” for lunch and find leaving at 1:15 pm not conducive for that (especially after eating at 11:15 am). Some feel that we have lost a “teaching” time by not having Evening service (this is technically true, but as the Elders have been trying to incorporate Acts 2:42 into our meeting times; fellowship is included with the list of Apostle’s teaching, breaking of bread and prayer). At current then, the Summer Schedule does afford us two teaching times as well as a fellowship time. We regularly “break bread” during the second hour on the first Sunday of the month and we have regularly scheduled prayer meetings for both the men and the women (this is not to suggest there is no room for improvement in these things).

In light of these things, the Elder Board has been increasingly inclined to maintain the “Summer Schedule” for an indefinite period of time. Some of the noted benefits were already mentioned above, but it might also be pointed out that soon the days will be getting shorter and we are aware that it becomes increasingly difficult for some to drive in the dark. The current schedule would ensure all would be home before dark.

With all this noted, the Elders have been casually speaking to some and have spoken to by others concerning the schedule. It would “seem” that the schedule, while needing some tweaks, has been a benefit and blessing to most from whom we have heard. The purpose of this email/blog entry is to solicit your input. If you have any thoughts, questions or concerns about the schedule in general, the Elders would like to know about it. We have placed this on our blog so that if you are inclined, you may post your thoughts, concerns, opinions here (we would ask all to be very respectful of one another). If you are concerned about “public” comments, you may talk to, call or email any of the Elders as we really want to have your input. We realize this is an important decision and therefore want to hear from you.

And please diligently pray for unity. We have been blessed with a congregation that is so gracious and has both sought and allowed for doing those things that would promote the greatest well-being for the church. To that end, realizing that no schedule will be optimal for everyone, once a decision is made, let us strive together in unity to participate with one another in light of the schedule, even if it may not be the most personally pleasing. It must be stressed that there has been no known tensions or animosities because of our schedule and we prayerfully would like to keep it that way.

One final note, if the current “summer” schedule is maintained, we will need to make some decisions concerning the start up of our Children’s ministries in October. Since there will be only one hour devoted to Children’s ministries in this scenario, we would need to decide whether to follow a “Jesus Club” format (larger classes) or the LiFE Kids format (more age oriented classes). To that end, anyone who has been or is interested in Children’s ministries (having served as a LiFE Kids or Jesus Club teacher or interested in do so), the Elders have scheduled a Children’s Ministries Teacher’s meeting on Sunday, September 7 at 3:00 pm at the church. This meeting will follow the 2008 Quizzing Meeting at 1:30 pm. At this meeting, it is believed that the Elders will have a good idea of which schedule we will be pursing and we will discuss how to organize the Children’s Teachers and materials.

Thank you for your prayerful attention to these matters. Again, we would appreciate your comments, either by means of the blog or by contacting one of your Elders. Their email address and phone numbers are below if you need them or you can of course share your thoughts with any one of them on Sunday. The email address and phone numbers of the Elders will not be posted on the blog for obvious reasons. Please refer to your email if you would want to contact your Elders in this way.

With much excitement and anticipation for the future,

The Board of Elders.


N. L. White said...

Not a comment yet, I just wanted to give those without "blogger experience" a tip on posting a comment.

Under the comment box is the "Choose and identity" area. choose the bubble that reads "Name/URL". Fill in the name box and you may leave the URL blank.

Then what you've filled in as "Name" will appear with your comment.

Anonymous said...

I am very surprised at the lack of comments. I feel like everyone probably has a definite opinion on this subject. I thought the summer schedule was good for summer but I also think it gets old and I notice a lot of people not staying for lunch let alone second hour. I would like to keep this as only a 'summer" schedule. This is my opinion. I appreciated what Pastor said about not having any bad feelings one way or the other, this is very important.
As far as children's ministries goes, if we keep the same schedule I believe we need to stick with Jesus Club. I truly enjoy Life Kids and feel that it serves a great purpose for Children's Ministries, but I feel that it would not fit in second hour. Two reasons: 1) Youth group sunday school. We are planning to start this back up again in October. We feel it is a great minstry to the youth as it provides an atmospere of discussion and application of the sermon at their level. However, the youth group have a minstry in Life Kids (not to mention the teachers) and I do not want them to have to choose between a ministry and a sunday school class. 2) Life Kids takes more people out of the sanctuary than Jesus Club. This is okay if we have three learning opportunities that day, but during fellowship hour I think you'll have less people wanting to be out teaching.
So, just a few thoughts. I hope I didn't ramble too much.
---Sara Collins

Pastor Ed Godfrey said...

It is true that not many comments have been posted here. It was my hope that some testimonies might be shared so as to give some indication how the "summer" schedule" has blessed or encouraged on one hand or perhaps how it has become a potential discouragement on the other hand.

With this said however, let me say that I am grateful to the many of you who have shared your thoughts with me or the other elders in person, by phone or via email. There has been a clear trend in the opinions shared by the congregation and this has been helpful to the Elders.

We will continue to give a bit more time for thoughts and comments via email, blog, phone or in person.

These are exciting times that cause us to look to the Lord and seek the highest good for the congregation.

Pastor Ed

Julie said...

My husband likes the new schedule. I was a bit hesitant at first because of all the meals that needs to be prepared. However, I do enjoy these meals wholeheartedly! The only disappointment lies with my parents, as we did have Sunday Brunches with them. A solution-Sunday Dinners with my parents once a month. We'll see what happens!

Pastor Ed Godfrey said...

Hey Julie...I appreciate your comment and your finding a potential solution that sounds fabulous!