Tuesday, April 24, 2007

What are you willing to live for?

At some time or another, there is a question that inevitably gets asked of most people, particularly Christians. It is a question that we might like to suppose is easy to answer and yet requires great reflection. It is a question that after thinking on it, may have a relatively short list of answers. Would you like to know what that question is? “What is it that you would die for?” For what would you be willing to lay down you very life? Now don’t let the simple Sunday School answer keep you from thinking about this. For what people or principles would you be ready to die for? I well imagine that some of us would say, “the gospel – I am willing to die for the message and hope of Jesus Christ.” Perhaps included in your list would be some people – that you would be willing to die for your spouse, your children, or some close friends. I would also suppose that most of you here would say that you would be willing to die for Jesus Christ – at least that is the hope – right? We try to imagine what it would be like if called before a hostile crowd to renounce Jesus or die. Would we there, in that setting, die for Christ?

Would it be hard to die for Christ? That is an interesting question. But may I say to you that dying for Christ may not be the hardest thing that faces you this morning. It has been said that dying for something or someone is easy because such a death is associated with glory, honor and recognition. It is noble to die for someone or something. It would be glorious to die for Christ. I say to you that even harder than the question of “what am I willing to die for” is this, “what I am willing to live for?” To connect this with the previous thought, “Am I willing to live for Christ, just as much, and with as much intensity, as I am willing to die for Him.” I do believe that dying for Christ would be relatively easy – but living for Christ, day by day – moment by moment - isn’t that a bit tougher?

We speak often of what we believe – we believe in Jesus; we believe He died for our sins; we believe that He sent His Spirit to empower us for His service; we believe we are His witnesses, His ambassadors; we believe we are crucified with Christ and it is no longer we who live, but Christ who lives in us; we believe we have been bought with a price and are to therefore glorify God in our bodies. This is what we say we believe. But may I warn you that what you say you believe is not the same as what you do believe. Rather, what you do, how you live your life - be it in public or private, at church or at home, in front of others or in front of a computer – that truly reveals what you believe. So, if you believe it is important to tell others about the saving grace found only in Jesus, then what will you do? You will be telling others of Jesus. Sadly, many of our lives testify that the most important person in our lives is ourselves; our own happiness, our own well-being, even our own spirituality.

Living for Jesus – that is what can be hard. Truly dying to self and being alive in Christ. So, what are you willing to live for?

Luke 9:23
And He [Jesus] was saying to them all, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me.”
Soli Deo Gloria,

Pastor Ed

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