Sunday, April 08, 2007

Poll: Biblical Eschatology

Here were the final results of last week's poll questions, "What do you think is the most Biblical eschatology?" Out of 20 people who voted:

1. Premillennialism (Christ reigns for 1000 years on the earth) 16 (votes) 80%
2. Amillennialsim (Christ reigns now and will not reign physically on the earth) 4 (votes) 20%
3. Postmillennialism (Christ will come when the Church has "Christianized" the world?) 0 (votes) 0%
4. Panmillennialism (don't know which is right but know it will all "pan" out in the end) 0 (votes) 0%

On a lighter side, this week's poll question is simply, "What is your favorite morning drink?" I don't know if I can make something spiritual out of that, but there it is - deal with it.

Soli Deo Gloria,

Pastor Ed

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