Friday, November 30, 2012

When I Forget Who I am in Christ

This is an adapted personal insight:.  Please, do not forget who you are in Christ!

When I Forget Who I Am In Christ

by Joanne Jung

When I forget who I am in Christ I doubt myself 
and I don’t always act with the characteristics of Christ.
I compare myself to my Christian friends and their relationships.
I get angry easier and I don’t forgive, as I should.

My relationships end up strained especially with my family 
and I hide things from my friends.
And because of the strain on my relationships I get upset,
which doesn’t help at all 
and I don’t want to admit my feelings or my wrong actions.

I essentially turn inward and “self – destruct”…
I have realized that when I forget who I am in Christ, 
I am a darker person.
I am angrier, and I feel all alone…
My relationships are fragile when I forget who I am in Christ,
I am short with people, I brush them aside.

When I forget who I am in Christ, I am ugly.
I can’t control my emotions and I seek to find temporary
and unneeded satisfaction in unnecessary things…
I close up my insides and lock it so no one can come in.
My relationships barely hold on by a thread. 
I am seriously and ultimately empty.
Low, down in the pits, a dull nagging that everything is never enough,
and just overall lost in what I am supposed to do.

Most of my relationships will also decline 
or become “me” or “sin” centered.
I tend to be frustrated and in a perpetual hectic mode 
in order to please my own selfish desires.
My relationships with people are bad.
I tend to be more selfish 
and less considerate of other people’s feelings.
I begin to be judgmental of things that are minor 
and try to challenge people in unhealthy ways.
When I forget who I am in Christ, I’m easily irritated with my family.

When I forget that I am complete in Christ, 
I seek fulfillment from the wrong things,
I seek to define my identity based on how I perceive myself, 
which is never satisfying.
 I am a lot more depressed, a lot angrier, more solitary, 
and definitely more confused. I look dead.
I don’t want to open up or become transparent with my friends.
I fight and argue with my friends. I hold grudges more and longer.

When I forget who I am in Christ, 
it brings out the worst in me (it brings out me).
I have a short fuse. I put myself first.
I am too proud to admit that I have issues that need to be addressed.
I fail to trust the Lord.
Then when I go out, 
I put on a mask to hide the reality of my struggles. 
I am like a tomb.

Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death?
Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!
So then, on the one hand I myself with my mind am serving the law of God,
but on the other, with my flesh the law of sin.
Romans 7:24-25

For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form,
and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority;
Colossians 2:9-10

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