Tuesday, September 07, 2010

John 14:6 - Three Questions

Three questions I asked of the youth group a couple weeks back as we looked at the words of Jesus as found in John 14:6.  Those three questions were:

1.  How can I be saved?
Do you believe that Jesus is the Way; has provided the only means by which we might be brought near to God by dying on the cross for our sins and reconciling us to God?  (Matthew 7:13-14; Acts 4:12)

2.  How can I be sure?
Do you believe that Jesus is the Truth; that all that He has said about God, Himself and man is true and that we can be sure that all He has said has either happened or is going to happen?  (Psalm 119:160).

3.  How can I be satisfied?
Do you believe that Jesus is the Life; that all other pursuit of life are only temporary and leave one dissatisfied.  Only by finding life in Jesus does one find true and lasting satisfaction (John 4:13-14; John 10:10).

May I ask you, are you saved? Are you sure? And are you satisfied?

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