Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Summer of Hope

- but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen. 
(2 Peter 3:18)

The Goal of “A Summer of Hope”
To provide and promote a mid-week time of fellowship at the church for the adults, encouraging involvement and engagement in worship; in praise to the Lord, in the discussion of God’s Word, and in prayer with and for one another. It will be hosted at the Church on Thursday nights!
The Time Frame of “A Summer of Hope”
“A Summer of Hope” will begin the first Thursday of June, June 3 and run through September 23.  It will be hosted at the church.
The Structure of “A Summer of Hope”
Everyone is encouraged to arrive at the church about 6:45 pm.  The time of fellowship will begin promptly at 7:00 pm.  The general structure of the service will be as follows:
1.  Worship in song and testimony - 7:00-7:25 pm
(children will be involved in this time)
2.  Worship in the Word - 7:25-8:00 pm
(sermon discussion questions – the children will have a separate time of Bible and play time)
3.  Worship in Prayer - 8:00-8:25 pm
(encouraging prayer for the church and for one another)
The Children of “A Summer of Hope”
In order to provide the adults an opportunity for engaging Bible study and prayer, we will be expecting each of the parents with young children as well as asking any other adults to rotate through leading the children in a provided, short (15 minute) Bible lesson followed by some kind of play time.  Being summer, the kids could be supervised outside playing. 
The goal is to have several adults take a week so as to minister to the other adults, allowing them to enjoy the time of Bible study and prayer.  The more adults that participate, the more time each adult gets to spend in the fellowship (i.e. if there are eight pairs of adults then they would only need to serve with the children once every eight weeks.  Since there are only 14 weeks from June to September (not including Family Unity Nights), some would only need to serve once.  Please see the sign up sheet for “A Summer of Hope” Children’s Ministry schedule.

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