Thursday, March 02, 2006

Another Sunny Day in LA

Okay, this might be interesting. If I repeat myself, it is because I am now at the home of Katie Woodell’s parents typing this, without access to the internet. Without such access, I can view the last blog I typed and so, I will do my best not to be redundant.

It is about 10 pm here and we just got back from a day that has so filled our heads with truth, knowledge and applications that we are reeling a bit. But what a way to flood the mind. The day began with a General Session and John MacArthur challenging the men from Matthew 16:13-28. I think I made mention of that earlier. After this session was lunch – lunch for 3300 men plus 600 volunteer staff. What a feat and yet it was obvious that they knew what they were doing.

After lunch was the first of two break out sessions. The first session that Jase and I went to was entitled, “Maneuvering through Ministry Minefields.” It was in effect a tour through 1 and 2 Timothy, focusing upon four exhortations from 2 Timothy that will help church leaders biblically work through problems in the church. I will give you the outline, but the details will have to come later:

1. Reproduce yourself (2:2) – leaders must be developed and trained
2. Rescue the drifters (2:14-16) – those who fall away. The church has unprecedented access to more error than at any time in history via radio, TV and the internet, errors that produce confusion, doubt and disobedience.

Effective leaders can rescue drifters by being precise with the Word of God (2:15); and pure in life and example (2:20-22).

3. Resist the times (3:1-4:5) - people will not want to “do church” God’s way.
4. Rely on the Lord (4:6-22) – people will let you down; even those who support ministry; must trust in the Lord for God-glorifying ministry.

Our second session was concerning biblical reasons for believing in the Pre-trib Rapture. This was a most insightful session, giving an honest appraisal at what exactly the scriptures say concerning the Rapture. One thing I would emphasize here is that regardless of one’s eschatological view (understanding of end times), the Bible does teach a rapture. The only question is regarding when is the rapture. Dr. Richard Mayhue gave both a critique as well as substance to the Biblical evidences that points to the pre-trib rapture.

For dinner we went out on the town, walking to the corner and eating at Subway. Oh, and by the way, speaking of eating. This morning I had the most wonderful pop-tarts. You might recall that there was a stink made about my purchasing unfrosted pop-tarts on the Slidell trip – how I mentioned that I preferred the unfrosted, while everyone else wanted frosted. Well, these pop-tarts that were provided by Katie, but they were frosted. The big question was, “Will Ed eat the frosted pop-tarts?” I must admit, I was concerned. But then I noted something – these Pop-tarts were “organic.” Organic pop-tarts? I had to try them. And what was the result of my first experience with organic pop-tarts – I loved them! Even frosted! So, I have concluded that frosted pop-tarts are okay – if they are organic!

After dinner we prepared ourselves for the evening general session with John MacArthur again. The whole experience was fantastic. Over 3000 men singing “Be Thou My Vision,” “Marvelous Grace,” “In Christ Alone,” and “And Can It Be?” The music was accompanied by a small but talented orchestra – and boy, was it great. This followed by some special music that was absolutely superb caused even John MacArthur to say, “I’d better be good after all that!” There was no disappointment as JMAC exposited Luke 15. Some great insights into a passage that reveals that God finds joy in recovering sinners. Oh the grace of God that saves wretches like ourselves. We ought to be more amazed at His grace.

Anyway, it is rather late, and although you will be getting this the day after I wrote it, I am tired and need to go to bed. You all are in my thoughts and prayers. Make sure that what you do, whatever it is, in your jobs, in your relationships, in your integrity, that it is all done to the glory of God.

Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father (Colossians 3:17).

Soli Deo Gloria,


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